

New Member
hi i have a acute epididymitis and i know that smoking weed makes it flares up real bad. wanted to know from other peoples experiences, i have a couple questions
first well i ever be okay smoking weed again and if so how long of a break should i take?
are vaporizers or cooking it an option at this time?
i tried smoking after a week not a good idea so i know from exp that weed flares it up
Plz only if you've dealt with this problem. thanks


New Member
also i don't know if this makes a difference but i didn't get this sexually, i think i was just working to hard but fo sho its not a hernia


New Member
well that sucks i figured someone must of dealt with this before... but if i find anything out i'll fo sho post it just in case anyone else has to deal with this


Well-Known Member
Well I don't see a reason it should make it flare. One could argue it should help but you could always try edibles. Also try different strains, some people seem to be more pereceptable but high doses can cause certain types of pain to be worse..Ive had to stop smoking after nearly every surgery I've had because of increase in pain

"Our study suggests that there is a therapeutic window for analgesia, with low doses being ineffective, medium doses resulting in pain relief and high doses increasing pain," said lead author Dr. Mark S. Wallace of University of California, San Diego...higher cbd content strains will be better


New Member
thanks made me feel a bit better about trying to smoke after this goes away. and may try edibles just don't wanna set back the healing process