ergent warent question


Active Member
today a marked car pulled into my driveway came and knocked on the door wich was unlocked but no one answered he didnt knock very long then he left? now if they had a warrent for my arrest seeing my car in the driveway couldnt they come in? or do they need a search warrent.

also right after he left the same number thats been calling my gf about the plants at her house called my house?

should i be worried about a warrent or?

also i went to see my po and was piss tested twice passed both so i dont think i could be getting violated ive done nothing wrong and seeing as i have not admited the plants that my gf had were mine the da should not have enough evidence to obtain a warrent?

could someone help me out here
if it helps any im in ny


Active Member
just remember this

if the police ever knock on your door, they dont have a warrant

if they did have one, they would already be breaking open the door and rushing in with guns drawn


Active Member
Urgent Warrant is how that is spelled, next call a fucking lawer, dont ask a bunch of fucking stoners who do not know your local laws for answers, the chances of you getting the correct information is slim to none!
I think I know how you got into your current problem...
Holy crap. You've got nerves of steel. I'd be making hay while the sun shines! Ie, baling her up, crop or no crop. But power to you for knowing your rights and not jumping the gun. Good luck!