Estimated yield


what would you guys say is a ballpark estimate of the yield? For scale that’s a full size bedframe it’s hanging on.


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I can’t tell what stage of maturity your buds are at. But if it was flowered till ripe. Maybe 3-4 oz
It flowered for 8 and a half weeks. At different sites around the plant it had 50% Cloudy trichomes in some places, more in others and less in some of the others. I pulled it when I saw the first amber because I don’t like cannabis that takes me down and puts to to sleep. I realize my yield was affected somewhat by this but that’s cool.

Its on day five of drying. I’ve got it in a walk in closet, in the dark with a humidity of 60% (goes a point or three higher sometimes) and it stays about 67 degrees F. That’s the best I could do with the environment. My whole house stinks something awful from just this small amount. lol

My friend that grows estimated in the same range as you did, 3 maybe 4 ounces. Thanks for your response.
1.74 ounces

And judging by your flower times ...harvested 3 weeks to early

BTW Trichomes should only be checked on the bud itself

It needs to dry

Picture doesn't look like 118g

The hygrometers in the jars read 67% except one that is still bouncing between 67%-68%. So yes there’s still some moisture left to lose but not much. As I said it’s day five of initial 7 day cure. I was following the cure guide in the drying and harvesting section thread pinned there. If I’m doing something wrong please advise. I have sampled the product and it’s quite potent, smooth and pleasurable to smoke. It burns perfectly in a joint. Not too fast, not too slow. I’m used to buying street weed and this stuff rivals almost any of the stuff I was paying $20/gram for.

Some observations:
1: The Flowers are crispy on the outside and damp on the inside.
2: On the outside if you smell the buds they smell like literal dried flowers. I’ve never smelled that in weed before but I’ve never grown it, just bought street weed. If you squeeze them a bit you smell the dank smell they had while growing.