EVE Online and Dust 514 Discussion

Stoner Smurf

Active Member
So where's all my stoner space pilots at? I am about to renew my sub for two reasons. One it's the best MMO ever, period. There is no need for a discussion, EVE is amazing, true definition of a sandbox. Second I need to get my bank up in preparation for Dust 514. How awesome does Dust 514 sound?

I am kind of new to Eve, I only played for two months before taking a break. I am super excited to get back, but I am not sure about the health of my former corp. Before taking a break, we just left our nul-sec alliance for a life of pirate hunting in low-sec. They were all pretty cool guys, but none of them smoked the ganja. I am kind of interested in flying with some like minded people. So if anyone is in a corp that's looking for a self-sustaining pvp'er, let me know. Honestly though I am not too interested in taking up a life of piracy. Pirates are a scourge on the universe. There is nothing more annoying than a group of pirates gang raping your cargo ship with an entire fleet, or high sec pirate griefers/can flippers, pirates in general. I much rather be the one who sends douches like that home in a pod, or even better not home at all.

Are you guys stoaked for Dust 514? I know a lot of hardcore EVE players aren't looking forward to it, I hypothesize it's because they are afraid at the slight shift of power Dust 514 is going to bring. If CCP does this right though, it's going to be a beautiful thing. I know the competitive console FPS community (which is bigger than you think) couldn't be more excited for this game. All the MAG clans are hyped about Dust 514. Kind of a bummer that it's a PS3 exclusive though. Blame microsoft not CCP, if they weren't such assclowns with such strict rules and an unwillingness to budge we'd see an Xbox port. After CCP makes the PS4 port (which they said will be very easy for them to do) I bet we'll see a PC port as well. We may even see one sooner. Why there's no PC port at launch I don't get at all, but whatever I rather have it be perfect on one system than there be 3 versions of the game none of which work. CCP has already come out and said they will be gearing this game toward the competitive and clan community, not the casual gamer. That's freakin' awesome! All games nodays are made for the casual gamer. The CoD series is the trademark casusal gamer FPS, but all FPS are trying to be more like CoD because of it's amazing sales (High sales does not mean a high quality product, look at the Backstreet Boys). The new battlefield game is geared toward the casual gamer much more than the previous Battlefield games. I am afraid to see the new Counter Strike.

Dust 514 is also offering something no FPS has been real successful in offering, persistence. A win or a loss means more than a silly stat, like in every other FPS. If you win the battle you change the universe, as a FPS fan I can tell you that is beyond cool. We actually get to build and customize a character instead of playing as a soulless avatar as well. The first real FPSMMORPG is pretty exciting, I can't remember the last time I was so excited for a game. I am slightly nervous about their business model. Never been a huge fan of the Free to Play (AKA Pay to Win). I am trying to trust CCP at this point, but I really hope they don't give people the ability to buy things you can not earn in the game.

I really hope this thread gets a good response. A lot of people I've met in EVE don't think this game goes well with marijuana, due to the depth and level of thought required. I beg to differ, hope I am not alone.
That's a lot of words, is this about a video game?
I don't think I've played this one but it sounds hard.
Yes, EVE Online is a MMORPG, and it's the best one ever made. It is also extremely hard but it's extremely rewarding, well as rewarding as a video game can be. It's a 100% player controlled sandbox. The market is controlled by players, and can be manipulated for profit. Items on the market are created by players, from ore that was mined by players. When you're ship dies, you don't respawn you lose that ship. If you're pod gets killed you get killed (You have a back up clone, but there's penalties). If you kill an enemy transporting goods you get those goods. A battle in EVE online gets my heart racing like no other video game has, ever.

Dust 514 is a FPS being released in 2012. It ties into the EVE online universe. Ships flying in space playing on a PC will be able to interact in real time with ground forces playing on PS3. I read that space ships in EVE Online (PC) will be able to fire on ground units (Dust 514 PS3) if the shields are down or something. The markets are going to be tied, as well as the money system.