Ever Eaten the Worm?


Well-Known Member
The other night a buddy brought over a bottle of tequila and we were having a few shots. It was some brand that had a worm in the bottom of it.

Like this:

After we started getting buzzed he said he was going to eat the worm because he thought it made him get more drunk so he did.

I have heard other people say that eating these nasty little things actually makes them see things like hallucinate or whatever, but I have never tried it and don't really plan on it. :lol:

In fact, I try to avoid tequila entirely if it has a worm in it. What is the purpose? To test the potency of the alcohol?

Anyone here eaten these before? Do they make you see visions or something? LOL

A quote from Willem Dafoe in the movie Born on the forth of July:
You know you're drunk when you eat the worm and didn't even know you did it


Ursus marijanus
The worm is a gusano, a pest of the Agave plant. Basically a pickled shrimp. The idea that it'll give you a special buzz probably got started as a way to laugh oneself to the point of puking while talking a noob into, well, eating the worm. cn

<edit> Technically, if it has the worm it's mezcal. It's made from maguey, a close relative of the blue agave from which Tequila is brewed and distilled.


Well-Known Member
I ate a couple in my time,,,Mezcal,,,I don't like tequila,,,but I used to like the Yellow mezcal cacti stuff with the worm,,,good time's alway's fucked up in a good way. Been a Long time tho'


New Member
I drank like 7 shots of vodka and downed 2/3 of a bottle of expensive tequila when I was 16, fainted while I was standing up then puked everywhere in my sleep. Woke up the next morning on the couche, my friend said look how much you drank, I almost puked just looking at the bottle.

Never ate the worm though


Well-Known Member
Ate a few worms, love me some mezcal. It doesn't so anything extra it's usually just te drunk thing to do.