Everbearing Strawberries in my Grow Tent Help


Well-Known Member
Hi Guys,

Hoping someone has some experience with this kind of thing?
Sorry if this is OT for this whole forum but surely other people
are using their tents to also grow a side fruit or 2 other than their weed?

How long will it take for my strawberries to actually make fruit?
I have them in the tent with my Mary Jane Plants

Everything in Coco given proper nutes.
The strawberries are like 3 - 4 months old already and are the Everbearing variety.
I read online it can take 3 years!

Im running my lights 20 - 4 (for my Autos)

Will the strawberries really take 3 years?

FYI - these are supposedly Strawberries the size of apples
I bought the seeds online.
I figure since im growing proper Weed genetics i may as well have special strawberries too.

Imagine snacking on 1 strawberry after a joint. Cos they like the size of an apple each...


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Is that a cloth pouch or pocket it is in? Looks a bit restrictive for size, I'd use taller 4" pvc tubes, put 'em in the corner.
Drill extra holes in the tube, and stick the runner branches in them to root as the plant grows.

I used to do snow peas and train them up a trellis on the wall, that works well
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The runners should be removed if you want fruit. You can get them to root easily and have more plants, just bury the tip of the runner and roots will be there in a week or two then cut the tail off and separate from the mother.

3 years is when outdoors to get full size fruit. You probably should see fruit earlier indoors but I don't know how much light you are giving them.
Strawberries are short day plants by the way, and will remain in vegetative state if you give them too long of a light cycle. I think you would want to shoot for under 12 hours of lights daily but even that may be too much.
I dont recommend growing fruits next to cannabis because the strawberries can attract insects

DAMN straight! Strawberries when stressed. Will attract spider mites! BIG TIME!

The runners should be removed if you want fruit. You can get them to root easily and have more plants, just bury the tip of the runner and roots will be there in a week or two then cut the tail off and separate from the mother.

3 years is when outdoors to get full size fruit. You probably should see fruit earlier indoors but I don't know how much light you are giving them.

Everbearing Strawberries are not day neutral types.
They are not single bearing fruit like June bearing.
They will not produce fruit the first, and most likely not the second year. If, they do produce some. They will be smaller and somewhat bitter tasting.

They produce late spring and again in the early fall as the temps begin to rise, and again when they begin to drop in the early fall (temperature swing effect's genetic hormone output). This is a temp signal to (re)produce.

They respond to changes in temps.

By attempting to produce in a sterile environment. You will not get fruit from this type of berry. They must have that temperature change to produce!

It has been noted with this type of strawberry, that better fruit set happens when summer temps hit 85 for a period of time. This also effects quality of the fruit (size) as to the temperature swing by amount, during this fruiting period.

While I have seen and enjoyed some large berry's from this breed. Ones the size the seed maker claims. Can be compared to the smaller, bagged apples you find in your local market. They are also not all that big - berry to berry. You have to control the fruit per plant count to get max size......That sounds kinda familiar eh?

Get them outside dude!
Prep them to survive winters by Mulching them for the winter with straw, leaves, or a fiber mat and uncover as soon as the snow melts.
DAMN straight! Strawberries when stressed. Will attract spider mites! BIG TIME!
Don't forget the mold magnet properties when a fruit drops somewhere.
...and remember, don't harvest your strawberries until at least a few of their trichomes have turned amber.
That was a good one, lol
They produce late spring and again in the early fall as the temps begin to rise, and again when they begin to drop in the early fall (temperature swing effect's genetic hormone output). This is a temp signal to (re)produce.
Damn, learned more about strawberries in 5 minutes here than my whole life. I just do a few chamomiles and basil for the AACT juice or feed to the earthworms, got yarrow going now.
Anytime Natural Farmer, and Dr. Who start talkin', im alllllll earssss…….
Even if its about fuckin strawberries.

Ninjamaster, all I can help with is building LED lights, unless by chance... you're looking for advice on how to cause a PH lockout on your plants....
Dr Who could write a book.

PS I ended up here because I read the title as overbearing strawberries o_O
Dr Who could write a book.

PS I ended up here because I read the title as overbearing strawberries o_O

Only thing I have ever tossed in a grow room with my plants was venus flytrap, because I thought it was cool. Might try that again. My last one didn't last but a few months.
you have to put venus fly traps in a cold area in the winter, if you try to keep them growing during the winter, they'll get all stringy and thin, and probably won't make it through a second winter. cover them with some straw and set them outside in a protected area for three months, then bring them back in, and they'll do a lot better, and can potentially live for as long as 20 years
Get yourself some “day neutrals” and you will be good to go. They’re not the same as everbearing.
But you have to remember to pollinate the flower to avoid misformed berries.

June bearing strawberries require short cold fall days to flower. Then the flower trusses emerge the following spring. Usually not recommend indoor.

Ppm of about 300 flora nova bloom works wonders.

Everbearing I don’t know anything about.
you have to put venus fly traps in a cold area in the winter, if you try to keep them growing during the winter, they'll get all stringy and thin, and probably won't make it through a second winter. cover them with some straw and set them outside in a protected area for three months, then bring them back in, and they'll do a lot better, and can potentially live for as long as 20 years
I use the garage. Less bugs to bring inside.
Based on everyone's advice i have moved the Strawberries outside into full sun.
They are probably going to get owned by the pests but id rather not have those in my tent.
