
Well-Known Member
i need every one on roll it up to help me out... put their input, advice, suggestions etc. into this thread.

LONG story short i smoke an oz. a week which if u add it up is roughly 3 1/2 pounds a year. i need to grow that. i have an outdoor set up going where i'm expecting around 5-10oz. depending on how things go. so thats obviously not even close to enough.

Here's my situation: i am 18 years old and have a daughter who is just over a year, a g/f... both of which live with me, my parents, and my brother. i live in east butt fu*k. i need some kind of a set up - indoor OR outdoor ranging from a small chamber in the basement to an underground room.... anything, that will fill my needs of smoke.

My house is kinda hot though: it's been raided, and the cops are well aware of what i used to do. I havent sold a bag since february and so things have begun to cool down.

with all that said: what is YOUR opinion on a set up, a grow, a chamber, an idea etc. of what to do? i dont care if it's using clones and getting a smaller harvest every month OR if it's one operatoin that yields the final product of 4 pounds.

what is every one's idea?????????? send me a link to a design of which u recommend if u can.



Well-Known Member
Sea of green would probally the quickest and fasted and also low-profile operation...from personal expierience even if you sold a bag now or months ago the fuzz will still be keeping tabs on you, maybe not as much but dont think they have forgotten...

If you were to grow outdoors you would obvisously be more noticable and it would take much longer to produce that much weight unless you had a crap load of plants going..Indoors would be more discriet and a less chance of getting caught as long as you dont attract muchheat to your house whether its selling, family arguments, etc...

If i were in this situation i would try and grow as much as possible at one time to get it done and over with and along the way keep your nose clean with EVERYTHING!


Well-Known Member
Growing 3.5 lbs in your parents house, with a one year old daughter, after you've already been raided. Hmm... hate to be the voice of reason here but that is probably not the smartest decision.


Well-Known Member
i would do an outdoor grow since your house isnt the best place to grow. And preferably somewhere away from your property. I would also think about multiple strains since it will be one grow and you dont want to get bored with just one strain for a whole year.


Well-Known Member
Well wut i mean by that is if your going to indoors then go all out if your gonna do it...Instead of growing throughout the year to support what you need, just grow a bunch of plants for 3 months to get your yield of desire and then just chill the rest of the time instead of growing a couple plants, smokin the ounce or two then doing it again..just get it(your 4 lbs) done and over with as quick as possible so you have nothing to worry about...any more questions feel free to ask..


Well-Known Member
If you're smoking 4 grams a day, you would benefit from stronger weed. I've been smoking weed since 65' and lately, with a fresh harvest cured and curing, am smoking much more than I usually do . . . and still can't get past about 2 tenths of a gram a day.


Active Member
Do sog or scrog. with scrog and 16 girls with a 3x3 each or 2 per 3x3 screen and yeild just about 75 to 100 grams per girl. Just about 4lb a month if you keep it going


Well-Known Member
Good points everyone, if you read the papers or watch the news most outdoor operations get busted and same with indoors....If think it worth it and you want to risk it with your family then thats on you...but if your sure and feel comfortable enough then indoors would be the quicker way to go...just dont tell ANYONE, and keep your nose clean!! The only way that you'll get raided again is if the fuzz have reasonable doubt that your still slingin or growing which they shouldnt because YOUR NOT GONNA TELL ANYONE!


Well-Known Member
you smoke bad weed or just to much. I smoke a lot. More than any one I meet but I only smoke an 1/8 a day if there is no work and I don't do nothing but smoke every 20 min( which I Dnt mind doing) but... Its fucking expensive ($60 an 1/8). you smoke 4gs a day. When u have better weed or grow ur own it will probably be 2.5-3 gs.
That being said SOG grow. Grow 2 oz every two weeks. Its hard work but fun. Enjoy and good luck


Well-Known Member
Hold off bro. Wait untill things are a little better with you living conditions, just you, your girl and your baby. And wait to move to a different location that has never had heat.
If you have already been raided at this location... Is it worth it to lose your daughter, and wife to hang out with the brothas in prison getting ass raped?


Well-Known Member
my g/f is actually moving back home with her mom and our daughter so she can attend medical school. so we can subtract a g/f and daughter from the picture of growing

what exactly is a sog or an scrog?


Active Member
I'd say grow outside away from your house, too. That little girl, whether she lives with you or not, is worth more than what you could grow in your house. Ever. You're already on their radar. Fly a little further out.


Well-Known Member
Grow outdoors, indoors isnt a viable option for you.

You can yeild a half pound from one outdoor plant if planted early in the season...

Its not too Late to still get out there though, better hurry and plant as many as you can.


Well-Known Member
sog and dont be afraid to throw LR2s in there. you have something to puff on while your bigger girls are in bloom, thus reducing the chance the pigs catch you buying black market weed.


Well-Known Member
alright guys:::: a few respones to your responses, - all i have smoked in 2 years, is blunts, blunts, blunts, and more blunts. i smoke 2-4 a day depending on what the day brings... i smoke a blunt whether it's mid-grade, skunk, haze, or dro. it dont matter, it's going in a blunt.

my daughter IS #1 to me and that is why i stopped dealing back in feb. because things just were spiraling out of control and it was when she moved in with me. i just wanted that for the record.

some one mentioned smoking a bowl, or a vap, or even a bong ---- if any one passes me one of the above i usually pass it up. i dont really care for those things at all. i smoke me some 'games' and 'white owls'

Sog or Scrog - what are they. i hear about them on these forums all over and considering i have never done indoor or even really been interested in it til now.... i never took the time to look and see the difference. i will look on the FAQ so now one bitches at me for that... but i would still like a response from some people.



alright guys:::: a few respones to your responses, - all i have smoked in 2 years, is blunts, blunts, blunts, and more blunts. i smoke 2-4 a day depending on what the day brings... i smoke a blunt whether it's mid-grade, skunk, haze, or dro. it dont matter, it's going in a blunt.

my daughter IS #1 to me and that is why i stopped dealing back in feb. because things just were spiraling out of control and it was when she moved in with me. i just wanted that for the record.

some one mentioned smoking a bowl, or a vap, or even a bong ---- if any one passes me one of the above i usually pass it up. i dont really care for those things at all. i smoke me some 'games' and 'white owls'

Sog or Scrog - what are they. i hear about them on these forums all over and considering i have never done indoor or even really been interested in it til now.... i never took the time to look and see the difference. i will look on the FAQ so now one bitches at me for that... but i would still like a response from some people.


in my opinion bro, you need to stop tryin to live a rap song and stop smokin so many damn blunts; hell, at least step down to joints.... you have never grown before and expect to step in and grow 4lbs?:confused: not to be a dick, but that prob isnt going to happen....if you were to squeeze out a harvest every 3mos, you would need to pull close to a lb per harvest...possible, but def. not likely on your first (or first few) grow(s)... i would advise trying to cut down on your smoking where you can; them blunts would be a good place to start..:peace::joint: