Ex-DEA heads: Feds should nullify state mj laws that violate UN drug treaties


Well-Known Member
CHICAGO (AP) — Eight former Drug Enforcement Administration chiefs said Tuesday that the federal government needs to act now or it might lose the chance to nullify Colorado and Washington's laws legalizing recreational marijuana use.

The statement came on the same day a United Nations-based drug agency urged the U. S. government to challenge those laws, saying they violate international drug treaties.

The onetime DEA heads issued joint statements saying the Obama administration has reacted too slowly and should immediately sue to force the states to rescind the legislation.

One of the former DEA administrators, Peter Bensinger, told The Associated Press the day before that the more time that goes by, the harder it'll be to stop the two states.

Marijuana is illegal under federal law.

Bud Brewer

Well-Known Member
What a bunch of idiots the people have spoken legalise it already or change the scheduling portugal has decriminalised all drugs for ten years death's and hiv hep c have gone down considerably.


Active Member
They're probably thinking that IF they can keep it illegal, they won't look like such a bunch of giant dumbasses for their expensive and futile actions during their reign of terror.


Well-Known Member
As a CO resident, I hope you all don't mind if I comment?

Of course the DEA heads don't want pot legal, bustin growers means a steady flow of my tax money from the Gubmint tit to keep their bureaucracy hummin along . I'm really looking forward to seeing that agency re-tasked. I'm sure the agents are all patriots and have just been doing their job as directed by their bosses. But, I think they could be better utilized, maybe border patrol to keep the more harmful drugs from flowing in, what a concept.

In the end though, I don't believe that you can ever control any drug market. Where there's a will, there's a way, and where there's demand, some body is gonna supply it. I've seen first hand what meth can do, but how does punishing the addict do anything helpful? Making all drugs legal is the only logical solution to achieve even a modicum of control, but oddly I fear that world a bit.

Anyway, the CA born Sour Tsunami strain made its way to CO and I'm lovin it's CBD goodness.

Happy Medicating and sorry for dropping a steaming pile of an opinion post in y'all's forum



Well-Known Member
Actually it's pretty smart... they're basically telling Obama 'hey you can turn on the potheads and blame it on the UN treaties so you won't take the political heat'. Last I heard they still haven't officially determined what they're going to do.