Exactly how much weed should I buy?


Well-Known Member
Ok, im going to vegas in october, for my dad's bday. we're taking him out to dinner, and I wanna smoke him out too.

So, the ticket is anywhere from 139-200 bucks
Dinner, will cost me like 50 bucks, since my brother and sister are paying for themselves plus we're all paying for dad's dinner.
And I wanna smoke him out. The whole time I am there, or at least for a day or two. Weed is more expensive in vegas, but im wondering how much I should spend? I was thinking about 50 bucks, and my sister could drop on it too...

I want him to have a great 50th bday, so how much weed should I buy? more or less than what I stated?


Active Member
in my local area (southern california)...

10-20 per gram
40-50 per 1/8
80-100 per 1/4
145-185 per 1/2
260-340 per oz


Well-Known Member
in my local area (southern california)...

10-20 per gram
40-50 per 1/8
80-100 per 1/4
145-185 per 1/2
260-340 per oz
its about the same in vegas maybe bump it by 10 bucks on everything. depends on how much you smoke and ur dad smoke. i smoke 1/2 oz to full oz every 2-3 days by myself lol so depends on you man i smoke fat blunts all day long you might be a bong person that packs little snaps so you go through way less bud


Well-Known Member
OMG this just prove you are only here to talk and haven't grown a single pea

im tired of these posts
lol pretty much...
am i wrong or does this say toke and talk?
it would be different if this section was for growing... notice how i stay away from sections that have to do with growing... cause i dont belong there.... this is the conversation forum


Well-Known Member
btw, i dont live in vegas so im not gonna know the price of a half ounce of vegas weed off the top of my head.


Well-Known Member
no ,but look how much respect you have for not even growing one plant.. this is a growing site for people to learn if you post something in the newb section they will be like oh this person has mad respect lets listen when you really dont know shit


Well-Known Member
how come u get so much rep if u dont no anything???(not to be an ass) now im jealous
lol i dont know? i guess people like what i have to say? i know more about other stuff than about specifics of weed, but thats a plus about being on here, I learn alot


Well-Known Member
toke and talk in a grow forum though....

a lot of us are toking on our own home grown & talking;)
im just here to enjoy and learn. Id really like to grow now that ive learned about it from being on here, its just impossible for me