Examples of GOP Leadership

So after they've gutted our security systems and stole all our military secrets I expect to see China, Russia, Saudi and Korea unveiling new weapon systems very much like ours in the next couple of years.
This administration is already a disaster and it's not going to get better. They're very easy to predict though, just ask yourself "what would Putin want".
I second the prediction that Trump will end up fleeing the country and living in exile somewhere. And the magga suckers will worship him from afar.
I keep hearing how the rethugs want to go back to the halcyon days of the 50's and 60's.
How ironic because it was them and their demi god Reagan and his trickle down economics that took it all away from the middle class in the first place.
So are they going to give back what they took? Or is it just another con by the ruling class to steal even more.
I vote for them stealing more.
Dumpy talks like a guy with immunity. A buffoon with immunity. What could go wrong?

Love how he is discrediting the journalist (widely respected journalist) and the widely respected publication "The Atlantic". That shouts incompetence, and a lack of responsibility on this administrations part. They are trying to portray this as a minor glitch, when in reality it's a colossal fuck-up.

So, anything that they do to damage the country, which there will be many examples of I'm sure, they won't take any responsibility for, and they will continue to try to pin things on previous democratic leaders, even when that couldn't be further from the truth.

Dumpy lied on the campaign trail, and will continue to do so to facilitate the authoritarian takeover coming.

Looks like Republicans have figured out a solution to their bad policy on deportation of immigrants, changing laws to allow child labor. (More bad policy)

More on the way....
HB 1225 and SB 918 would reverse long-held child labor protections for Florida's youth. Florida's Department of Education and Department of Business and Professional Regulation (DBPR) both emphasize that the state's current child labor laws are meant to protect children's health, workplace welfare, and education. :(