Excruciating pain after smoking.


New Member
I'm 18, and I've been smoking regularly, on a daily basis since about my freshman year in highschool. Recently I haven't been able to smoke without having an excruciating pain in my abdomen. I don't necessarily believe it is weed causing my pain, as it's there whether I smoke or not, smoking just seems to intensify it. I've been doing tons of tedious research online, and I've seemed to come across some similar issues, but not quite the same. Again, I cannot stress enough that I do not blame the bud for causing my pain, as it just makes it a more intense pain. From all the research I've done, and all the symptoms I'm experiencing the best conclusion I can come to is that it is a HUGE air bubble stuck in my stomach, causing acid reflux, heartburn and more. [Sidenote: I do not have GERD or a gallbladder problem or even any other digestive disorder.] my best guess as to what caused it is improper breathing during a run I did up and down a huge hill. When I got to the top (mind you I'm not a very athletic guy, but I'm not an unfit person either) I was extremely fatigued on the verge of passing out, throwing up, and then dry heaving. It took me a while to catch my breath and get my breathing back to normal (roughly 30 minutes) but a day or two later I just woke up with the worst pain ever. I've been dealing with it for about two weeks now, and it's kinda felt like something moving behind my sternum, and sometimes under my right ribs. Thought I may have dislocated a rib or something, as it felt like something was moving right underneath my ribs, but after 3 x-rays, and a cat scan they found nothing at all. Not even the slightest anomaly. Now, where the weed comes into play... after being in the hospital for over 18 hours straight in excruciating pain (enough to drop me to my knees and put me in the fetal position with troubled breathing) I went to go home, smoke a doob and go to sleep, well about half way through my doob the pain was so excruciatingly painful I ended up back at the hospital with more IV's and more tests, had a dye injected into my system and more. Blood pressure was dangerously low (cant remember exact number I wanna say it was in the 50's maybe 60's) and my pulse was almost 140. It felt like something was moving in my body.... Once I told the doctors this they did a psych eval on me. Getting off subject here though, so basically the only thing that has made sense to me is that it's a trapped gas bubble/air bubble since they can't manage to see it on any scans and or tests. I don't have insurance, being 18 I can't even afford it haha. But smoking has always helped alleviate my pains, and relax my muscles, but I read online (has to do with GERD but I don't have it) that while weed does relax muscles it can also relax the sphincter in the stomach between it and the esophagus. Which would make sense as to why the pain would start going up into my chest from my stomach when I smoke, ever since the pain started I've even gone as far as to stop smoking weed completely the past couple days hoping it would help the pain, and it has to an extent, but proves that bud is not the underlying cause. I've been belching, A LOT... burping seems bring the pain up to my chest as well, and each time I burp I feel a little relief, but it doesn't come without a price, when the chest/stomach pain is alleviated it's sometimes causing acid reflux/heartburn & trouble breathing. Which makes me feel even more like it's a trapped air bubble. I guess my question here is, what can I do to help get this out of my stomach/chest? I tried drinking soda to help me burp more, attempting to burp it up. I've even gone as far as putting a teaspoon of baking soda in an 8oz glass of water as this is supposed to help break up the gas bubbles, but honestly it was just an extremely nasty drink that just made me puke. Also, along with the acid reflux and everything else. I'm having trouble keeping anything down, liquid or solid. I'm not sick or anything, but I feel like the food and whatnot just cant make it past the bubble. Anyhow, I suppose I've gone on long enough. Anybody have any Ideas? I'd like to return to my daily rituals without having to suffer for it haha. I'm meeting with my primary physician again tomorrow morning, and now that I'm sure its a gas issue, and not a bone issue maybe it can be taken care of. If it is I'll leave a comment or reply letting everyone know what it was that helped, maybe one day someone else will stumble upon this thread themselves and it can help them. As I said before I don't have insurance, I'm 18 and can't afford it, but trying to figure out what it is has cost me over $10,000 in medical bills and maybe it can prevent someone else from having to deal with such things. I'll also list the medication (if any) the doctor prescribed to help with the bubble.

Oh yeah! Also! I thought smoking in general could have been causing it to get worse, as I smoke cigarettes too, cigarettes seem to have no effect on the situation, but weed does. I tried alternative methods of getting my buzz (edibles) and the result was the same. Just plain pooey!
Change your lifestyle.

No more cigarettes...ever

Could be a hernia

I am 58 years old and I have been through just about every GI problem you can imagine. You either drastically change your lifestyle...or, you deal with pain...The choice is yours. I was reluctant to do so at first, too...but the pain just got too much.

Stop all smoking

Change your diet

Exercise more
Are you smoking out a bong? Really hitting it? Rushing through the bowl?

Afterwards, do you get a gagging fit? Burp, gag, a little puke? Especially in the mornings?

Pain in your gut around the diaphragm area?
try quitting the things that are bad for you first, you'll save money immediately and be healthier at once.
pick up an arizer vaporizer if you still use marijuana
So after seeing my doctor, he diagnosed me with gastritis, and prescribed me Protonix 40mg, after a few hours when it kicked in the pain was relieved, and I no longer had the acid reflux or any of the pains I was having, my back is a little sore but he said that's a normal symptom of the gastritis, and also recommended that I change my diet to avoid any foods/drinks that are greasy, acidic, or carbonated, and to stay away from pastas as the pasta sauce can cause more trouble with it. The good news is that it wasn't the bud afterall! My doctor did recommend to quit smoking at least until its cleared up as the smoke inhalation (heat from, and over all just the lack of oxygen) is an irritant/trigger which causes the severe pain. I've changed my diet accordingly and even made a new meal plan for the week, and added more fiber due to the doctors reccomendation, picked up some fiber bars, apples, cranberries, and most importantly haven't been drinking anything other then cranberry juice, water, and milk. For now, the problem seems to have gone away and hopefully if I stick to these meds, and this diet plan I can get rid of the issue completely, and start enjoying meditative sessions once again. Anyhow, I do appreciate the help offered and you guys had some very valid points.
I did have a same problem twice after smoking weed. Woke up in the middle if the night with worst abdominal pain ever. Painkillers didn't help and I just had to wait it out. Doctor said it was probably gases. So far has not happened again
Is that a fucking carma or what. I'm starting to feel the pain again after writing here and I'm at work, no meds here
So after seeing my doctor, he diagnosed me with gastritis, and prescribed me Protonix 40mg, after a few hours when it kicked in the pain was relieved, and I no longer had the acid reflux or any of the pains I was having, my back is a little sore but he said that's a normal symptom of the gastritis, and also recommended that I change my diet to avoid any foods/drinks that are greasy, acidic, or carbonated, and to stay away from pastas as the pasta sauce can cause more trouble with it. The good news is that it wasn't the bud afterall! My doctor did recommend to quit smoking at least until its cleared up as the smoke inhalation (heat from, and over all just the lack of oxygen) is an irritant/trigger which causes the severe pain. I've changed my diet accordingly and even made a new meal plan for the week, and added more fiber due to the doctors reccomendation, picked up some fiber bars, apples, cranberries, and most importantly haven't been drinking anything other then cranberry juice, water, and milk. For now, the problem seems to have gone away and hopefully if I stick to these meds, and this diet plan I can get rid of the issue completely, and start enjoying meditative sessions once again. Anyhow, I do appreciate the help offered and you guys had some very valid points.

An obvious Protonix deficiency solved !
I have a similar health problem currently Mike Mike. And am taking Prilosec now as well. Just so that you are aware, CT scans do show air bubbles.
My pain was more in my esophagus and stomach and triggered severe heart palpitations . I tried a variety of ways using , ganja like smoking, medibles and tincture and they all caused reflux. The tinctures have a high oil content( which causes reflux) , the chocolate medible has caffeine (which causes reflux)and smoking irritates your esophagus because it changes the ph in your intestines and can cause acid reflux. I changed my diet completely and stay away from all stimulants like caffeine, greasy deep fried fatty foods, alcohol, creams, cheese, lunch meat,tomato and I am not going to use cannabis again until I can start to tolerate some more foods again. I can tolerate chicken and steak, salad and all green veggies, fruit like cateloupe, banana, apples, most nuts, oatmeal, eggs, English muffins. Eat slower and smaller portions. Stay away from carbonated drinks. It's not easy but it's critical that you to learn to take care of yourself . Take this experience as a blessing in disguise to force you to live a healthier lifestyle . Good luck and I hope you feel better soon!
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I've been on a similar boat of intestinal issues (hard to breath,blacking out,blood feels thick under my skin,sharp pain in my chest ect) that ONLY show up when i had a good amount of thc in my blood... Guess what fixed it for me? Quitting cigarettes and soda & I gotta admit I've never felt better.
I'm 18, and I've been smoking regularly, on a daily basis since about my freshman year in highschool. Recently I haven't been able to smoke without having an excruciating pain in my abdomen. I don't necessarily believe it is weed causing my pain, as it's there whether I smoke or not, smoking just seems to intensify it. I've been doing tons of tedious research online, and I've seemed to come across some similar issues, but not quite the same. Again, I cannot stress enough that I do not blame the bud for causing my pain, as it just makes it a more intense pain. From all the research I've done, and all the symptoms I'm experiencing the best conclusion I can come to is that it is a HUGE air bubble stuck in my stomach, causing acid reflux, heartburn and more. [Sidenote: I do not have GERD or a gallbladder problem or even any other digestive disorder.] my best guess as to what caused it is improper breathing during a run I did up and down a huge hill. When I got to the top (mind you I'm not a very athletic guy, but I'm not an unfit person either) I was extremely fatigued on the verge of passing out, throwing up, and then dry heaving. It took me a while to catch my breath and get my breathing back to normal (roughly 30 minutes) but a day or two later I just woke up with the worst pain ever. I've been dealing with it for about two weeks now, and it's kinda felt like something moving behind my sternum, and sometimes under my right ribs. Thought I may have dislocated a rib or something, as it felt like something was moving right underneath my ribs, but after 3 x-rays, and a cat scan they found nothing at all. Not even the slightest anomaly. Now, where the weed comes into play... after being in the hospital for over 18 hours straight in excruciating pain (enough to drop me to my knees and put me in the fetal position with troubled breathing) I went to go home, smoke a doob and go to sleep, well about half way through my doob the pain was so excruciatingly painful I ended up back at the hospital with more IV's and more tests, had a dye injected into my system and more. Blood pressure was dangerously low (cant remember exact number I wanna say it was in the 50's maybe 60's) and my pulse was almost 140. It felt like something was moving in my body.... Once I told the doctors this they did a psych eval on me. Getting off subject here though, so basically the only thing that has made sense to me is that it's a trapped gas bubble/air bubble since they can't manage to see it on any scans and or tests. I don't have insurance, being 18 I can't even afford it haha. But smoking has always helped alleviate my pains, and relax my muscles, but I read online (has to do with GERD but I don't have it) that while weed does relax muscles it can also relax the sphincter in the stomach between it and the esophagus. Which would make sense as to why the pain would start going up into my chest from my stomach when I smoke, ever since the pain started I've even gone as far as to stop smoking weed completely the past couple days hoping it would help the pain, and it has to an extent, but proves that bud is not the underlying cause. I've been belching, A LOT... burping seems bring the pain up to my chest as well, and each time I burp I feel a little relief, but it doesn't come without a price, when the chest/stomach pain is alleviated it's sometimes causing acid reflux/heartburn & trouble breathing. Which makes me feel even more like it's a trapped air bubble. I guess my question here is, what can I do to help get this out of my stomach/chest? I tried drinking soda to help me burp more, attempting to burp it up. I've even gone as far as putting a teaspoon of baking soda in an 8oz glass of water as this is supposed to help break up the gas bubbles, but honestly it was just an extremely nasty drink that just made me puke. Also, along with the acid reflux and everything else. I'm having trouble keeping anything down, liquid or solid. I'm not sick or anything, but I feel like the food and whatnot just cant make it past the bubble. Anyhow, I suppose I've gone on long enough. Anybody have any Ideas? I'd like to return to my daily rituals without having to suffer for it haha. I'm meeting with my primary physician again tomorrow morning, and now that I'm sure its a gas issue, and not a bone issue maybe it can be taken care of. If it is I'll leave a comment or reply letting everyone know what it was that helped, maybe one day someone else will stumble upon this thread themselves and it can help them. As I said before I don't have insurance, I'm 18 and can't afford it, but trying to figure out what it is has cost me over $10,000 in medical bills and maybe it can prevent someone else from having to deal with such things. I'll also list the medication (if any) the doctor prescribed to help with the bubble.

Oh yeah! Also! I thought smoking in general could have been causing it to get worse, as I smoke cigarettes too, cigarettes seem to have no effect on the situation, but weed does. I tried alternative methods of getting my buzz (edibles) and the result was the same. Just plain pooey!

smoking is injurious to health, it cases cancer. Most of us are aware of that but we still choose to smoke. It does not affect your health even a bit, neither does it kill your stamina. You feel the same even after vaping. Be it nicotine or nicotine free, that is up to you to decide. There are several liquids available like cbd oil, creams and more.
smoking is injurious to health, it cases cancer. Most of us are aware of that but we still choose to smoke. It does not affect your health even a bit, neither does it kill your stamina. You feel the same even after vaping. Be it nicotine or nicotine free, that is up to you to decide. There are several liquids available like cbd oil, creams and more.
Does not affect health & stamina? Feels the same as vaping? Sorry but I've experienced something different.