exhaust fan!?


Well-Known Member
im using a 400 watt dual spectrum light and temps get 40 degrees in my grow space, so will the 4'' exhaust fan i bought bring that temp down much? plz give me ur input

Stark Raving

Active Member
My guess is you mean 40C, since you are looking to bring your temps down, so yes. The fan will help. I would say though, that depending on your exhaust fan, that will evacuate air at a constant rate, as a sole means of temp control is not ideal. Your fan, if positioned correctly, will pull the hot air out, and the fresh air brought in will (hopefully) be cooler.


Well-Known Member
As hinted at above, just make sure you are pulling in cool air from somewhere. An exhaust fan will do you no good if you are just pulling in more hot air. If the exhaust fan doesn't cut it alone, you might want to think about running it through an air-cooled hood.

Stark Raving

Active Member
That's what I am guessing...but you never know on RIU :smile::joint:

EDIT: Especially because he has two threads running, at the same time, asking the same question.
Excellent point brother! Haven't been around here long, but I sure have seen some crazy questions since I joined up.