Exhaust question


Well-Known Member
I have a fan pushing air from an outside room with fresh air into my boxed room. I also have a fan in the room pulling air out... Should I have both of these fans constantly running simultaneously, or have the one fan on all the time and the exhaust run every 15 minutes for 15 minutes, or something like that?

Resident Kush

Well-Known Member
run them both all the time. The rooms air should be changed once every three to five minutes. Impellers work better, with a carbon filter


Well-Known Member
run them both all the time. The rooms air should be changed once every three to five minutes. Impellers work better, with a carbon filter
Well, when both are running at the same time it's kind of hard to maintain a certain temperature in the room. If it's cold outisde, it gets really cold in the room even with a heater.