The device on the lower right hand side of the top picture is apparently a smart meter router. It was installed a few days ago and our power went funny for awhile afterwards. Our area isn't due to have these installed for another year yet and it's the only I've seen in the area.
For those who have some experience working on utility lines. Our power lines are the set leading to the left on the top left.
1) Is the router hooked to our power lines. Best I can tell it does look like it feeds off of one of our 240s and our ground but it's hard to tell. More pics are possible if necessary but it's hard to get a good shot.
2) Is it typical to have some secondary device, like the router, on the utility pole feed off a line leading to a house like this.
3) Is it possible to monitor total power usage just from tapping one of the 240s and the ground, would actually assume it's a grounded neutral.
For those who have some knowledge of smart meters or meters in their area.
1) If you have smart meters in your area w/ the routers do your routers hook up like this also, that is running off the lines for a house.
2) The impossible to answer question. Could one of these F'ers be rigged to serve as a smart meter and router, since typically the smart meter is a device that replaces your old meter on your house. Which sends the signal to the router to be resent on to your power company.