experience with solo seedling cups

I'm seeking a bit of experience/advice for a container for fresh seedlings...

Ok... I just recently popped some seeds in FFOF, in solo plastic cups. I'm not having any luck in establishment of the seedlings. It seems the tap root, loses any further growth. I've had much better luck in foam cups. Any reasons and or thoughts on this would be greatly appreciated.


Active Member
If you're growing it the same way in each container I wouldn't think it'd matter if it's plastic or styrofoam as long as there's drainage I guess. I personally plant right into whatever pot I'm going to use. How far away and what are your lights and temps?


This is strange. I've never had an issue with either styrofoam or solo cups. Is your soil moist? What are the temps like? How is the drainage? How long before the tap root "loses" growth?

Grow mo

Active Member
dude i was havin the same prob w/ a couple of my seedlins, they would just fall over and die, i think its because i didnt pack the soil down enough, but regardless the soil was getting too much oxygen (not a bad thing, just have to make sure you keep the soil moist) and dried out to easily and the taproot wasnt gettin enough water, so maybe your having a similar problem.. water jus enough to where the cup feels jus "heavy" enough but isnt too heavy you dont want to over water.. also another problem i could suggest is that maube the nutrients in the ffof are to strong and may have shocked the seedling.. i use fox farm warrior for seedling, it is veru low in nutrients so it doesnt burn up the little seedlings, after all they only need regular tap water the first couple weeks of growth.. hope i helped in some way, good luck man!!!
Im leaning towards the soil drying out. So, you can't actually over water these then correct? As long as there is drainage holes in the bottom of the cup of course. Im using a 2700k cfl, i know i need a 5600k but i havent had a chance to go to the hardware store and get one of suffecient wattage yet. Im using a reflective hood from a reptile light, i know it may not be the ideal way. temps aren't anymore then 82ish tops. Maybe i should inclose these to boost temps and RH?


Yes, you can absolutely over-water. If they are in the seedling stage, leave them open. Enclosing them and increasing the temp and RH could prove fatal for them. The best thing to do is wait it out and see what happens. While you are at it, switch the light schedule to 18/6.