Expert Help here regarding Hermi Fem


Active Member
Hello all, I have two females in the box now both have been doing wonderful in Flowering for about three weeks now. My #1 girl is about two weeks older then #2 and is further along. #1 is growing balls now and I have seen a few that have come open, but no noticible pollen yet. Either way I am assuming she has not only self pollinated but has got my other girl as well. Now please correct me if I am wrong, but if #2 has in fact been pollinated by #1 as a Hermi, does that increase the Female to male ratio when it produces seeds? This is my first grow and I took like 8 clones off #2 over a week ago so I have plenty to use for my next grow, but will it be worth getting the seeds for more female mother plants, and will the little bit of bud I get off these plants worth the wait as well. Thanks guys I know this is alot but just needed some opinions. Thanks.