Expert needed to help diagnose this spotting issue on Skunk#1 plant? Pics included.


Hello. I got a couple photos from my buddy in AZ this mornin. He said his skunk#1 top 4 inches was drooped over. He sees a couple dark spots on the main stalk, and a gash or gouge in one of the top sun leaves. See pics.
Does anybody have a clue what would cause this, and is there any reason for concern?

Thank you ahead to all for reading my post.

fanleafprob3-25-2013 006.jpgStemSpots3-25-2013 004.jpg


then no idea. the internodes seem quite large though, maybe a mad stretch caused it, or bugs / dog chewing it


Well-Known Member
Do you know if the plant had standing water on it for any long periods of time? Does he know the condition of the root system at all? Are the spots any where else on the plant? Was the wilt noticed any where else on the plant other than the top? What is his watering routine and does he allow the soil to dry between watering? Does he know why the leaves at the top are burnt or brown?

With out knowing the details about how the plant is grown makes it hard to diagnose.

Usually something like that in the pictures is caused by Damage, bacteria or fungus. The top wilting is a little troublesome. If it does not stand back up on its own and the canker spreads or gets worse he might be better off just chucking the plant. Soil borne diseases that get into the stem are pretty much a death sentence.

The above is worse case scenario so do not fret. I would bet money on it that this can be fixed because the plant looks over all pretty healthy. Get back with some more info and pictures if you can.