Extract fridge air into grow room


Active Member
Was thinking could I core a hole into a fridge door then attach and seal ducting over the hole then have the cold air pulled through a wall into my grow room? The fridgge would be in a different room to the plants so the hot air out the back wouldn’t be a problem. Just wondering would the fridge still produce enough cold air with a hole and ducting over it
Just keep your car running and crank the AC. Send a tube outside into the car. Voila.
Or drive it inside, and vent the exhaust outside and leave the doors open with AC cranked.
This plan is actually kind of brilliant. Cuts down on electrical costs as well. I'm thinking Prius.
You can also save up some winter and use it in the summer
Go outside in the winter time.
Grab as many empty water bottles, pickle jars, salad dressing bottles, etc. Boxes won't work because they let the cold out too fast
Ok now, quickly scoop up a bunch of cold air inside the vessel of choice, and then QUICKLY cap it off. Place in the dark NO LIGHT. Then all you have to do in the summer when it's getting to hot, is open up one jar of the winter you've been storing. Voila. Instant -20° cooling guarantee. God I'm a genius
You can also save up some winter and use it in the summer
Go outside in the winter time.
Grab as many empty water bottles, pickle jars, salad dressing bottles, etc. Boxes won't work because they let the cold out too fast
Ok now, quickly scoop up a bunch of cold air inside the vessel of choice, and then QUICKLY cap it off. Place in the dark NO LIGHT. Then all you have to do in the summer when it's getting to hot, is open up one jar of the winter you've been storing. Voila. Instant -20° cooling guarantee. God I'm a genius
Grove bags?
You can also save up some winter and use it in the summer
Go outside in the winter time.
Grab as many empty water bottles, pickle jars, salad dressing bottles, etc. Boxes won't work because they let the cold out too fast
Ok now, quickly scoop up a bunch of cold air inside the vessel of choice, and then QUICKLY cap it off. Place in the dark NO LIGHT. Then all you have to do in the summer when it's getting to hot, is open up one jar of the winter you've been storing. Voila. Instant -20° cooling guarantee. God I'm a genius
I jarred up some winter and threw them in the freezer to save electricity. I just checked and the jars are still cold. So your theory is correct