Extracting Resin From Roach Papers


Active Member
OK so I've saved a considerably large amount of roaches, probably around 150 or so. Ive began to smoke all these roaches and I've been collecting all the empty resined papers. After I get a large amount of papers does anyone know if would be possible to extract that resin through boiling them with alcohol or fat since Thc is not water soluble ? I've haven't really found any posts about doing this sort of thing, so i was wondering if any of you have ever tried and if so what method you used.
These are not my roaches but comparable in size.
187 Roaches! on Flickr - Photo Sharing!

Thanks alot everyone. Happy Toking.:joint:


Well-Known Member
never been that hard up
come on man. is that the truth. you never woke up sunday morning and relized you smoked all your pot. then had to resort to scraping the bowl. never dug through the ash tray for that roach you know you left but forgot about.
never went through the carpets looking for that bud you droped, O wait that was the crack rock that had me in the carpet.


Well-Known Member
I smoked resin yesterday. You do what you gotta do.

Its basically hash that smells like bong water... I mean, yeah it smells bad. But itll get you quite high.

Id probably use the papers to make cannabutter. Boil butter, and put anything you have in with the butter. Boil for a while, then separate. I made a pear pie recently with cannabutter made from trimmings and stems and resin. It was delicious.


Well-Known Member
I smoked resin yesterday. You do what you gotta do.

Its basically hash that smells like bong water... I mean, yeah it smells bad. But itll get you quite high.

Id probably use the papers to make cannabutter. Boil butter, and put anything you have in with the butter. Boil for a while, then separate. I made a pear pie recently with cannabutter made from trimmings and stems and resin. It was delicious.
i had saved all my clipping in the freezer since January. not a big grow room but it was a nice stash. some of it was smaller buds i just didnt feel like trimming. i figured i could go back a pick out the buds and make the butter with the rest when i ran out of weed. well that time came 2 weeks ago. went to my freezer, nothing its all gone. the wife strikes again. for some damn reason she felt the need to clean a refrigerator that sits in a basement with nothing in it but water and plant trimmings. whats that line Chris Rock uses. "I think i love my wife"


Well-Known Member
Its not bong tasting hash....its tars! Nasty shit!
Hey man, i think your vagina is showing. Man up and smoke it! It gets you high!

And it is basically hash. The "tar" is melted and blackened trichomes. There is more THC i resin than there is in bud! It just tastes like shit because its already been burnt once.


Active Member
You guys have honestly never heard of resin oil before? Ill take a picture of the vial I bought the other day for 5$ its 2 grams i think, I dip a pin in it and spread it on my papers and then roll up a joint. Its like a thick black substance.
The oil i have now is made from trim, so i was wondering if it is possible to get the oil off the paper, its not that I'm hurt for weed, hell i'm in Canada we got tons of that. I just want to make use of the left overs and get some oil , because i know for a fact there is tons of it left all over on the little roach papers. Im going to give it a go this weekend and see what happens. Ill post my steps, some pictures, and let you know if it works, and If you think im "hurt" because i want to utilize my left overs then don't bother posting on this thread.


Well-Known Member
Salute... when all the stash is gone... you start wishing for the smell of those stinky puffs... gotta love they way they draw your eyelids down.