Extreme help needed!!!


111.jpg110.jpg108.jpgok i have been having this problem for awhile now and have no idea what it could be. first off all my veg plants look extremely healthy and do outstanding, growing with fox farm ocean forest soil and use small amounts of grow big and big bloom. they are under t5's for about a week then i put them under a 400mh for a week maybe two at most, until they are roughly 10 to 12 inches.

Now the real problem. im using a 4x8 tray with two 1000 watt hps lights under 6"xxxl hoods for a maximum foot print. im doing a sea of green so i add 6 plants every week and im using a top drip system.

now for the past 3 maybe 4 weeks now i have been giving my plants just ph'd water for the simple fact that i can't figure out my problem. i thought i was overfertilizing them because after 2 weeks every single time im having the same outcome. all white hairs on many if not all plants except maybe 2 or 3 per week have all singed white pistils or no pistils at all. r.o. water is consistantly between 6.4 and 6.8, the soil is even ph'd correct and the runoff is never a problem either.
the highest the temps get is 83, 86 last night for the first time ( turned the a/c off because the outside air has been beautiful( live in socal). this is a huge problem that i cant seem to fix. the lights were about 16 17 inches away so i moved the lights up even farther away to see if that helped but even the buds and pistils at the bottom of these plants are doing the same. basically all new growth looks like it. no bug problems that i am aware of i have even taken a few out and broke them down to inspect the roots and everything. roots look great. any help would be greatly helpful.. maybe light stress..im a very sad grower right now.



Active Member
from your bent leaves I would say copper deficiency but it is hard to tell. other possibilities are: over fert, under watering, or light stress


rh has been consistantly between 57 and mid 70's..i know 70's are a bit high but its all relative to the air outside. havent been able to get a dehumidifer just yet


ive asked on another forum also and they say it could very well be to much nitrogen that im giving it to cause the pistils to not show up or die or turn brown.. the fox farm ocean forest is nute heavy and i feed them a good amount of n during veg so basically im loading them up so when they hit flower it causes it to happen..anyone agree?


Active Member
i thought ocean forest was very light on nutes?? thats what i was told havent actually investigated. r you using tiger bloom? i was told that was very strong and you should only use a 1/4 of what is recommended. Im a first time grower so im trying to see what other people have problems with so when i run into them i know what to do or what to expect.


well i believe its one of a few different things. Beacause i have had great success with hydro but now with soil i have been running into a few problems..lol go figure.. Anyways from i have been told and what meybe causing my problem is that ffof is very nuted so u dnt need anything for a good 3 to 4 weeks during your veg. now i use a sog type grow so every week im adding plants and changing pots. the prolblem i think is that i use 3" pots and they grow great , im using grow big from ff and big bloom also so when i transfer them into the 7" pots on top of feeding it a lot of n in the nutes, they are getting fresh nuted soil in the bigger pots! although they look really healthy in veg once there transfersed over to flower the nitrogen is messing them up! Causing the buts to be smaller and new growth becoming yellow and twisted and the white pistils burning by week 1!!