EXTREME nutrient burn.


I have a problem with my unknown autoflowering indica that didn't turn out to be autoflowering.
The situation is, my plant has been burnt with very extreme fertilizer use: the fertilizer should be diluted 1:100 or so and it was fertilized 1:2.

How did this happen? I left the country and left a friend to take care of it. It was 2.5weeks through flowering when he decided to fertilize so stupidly and left it like that for 2 days. When he came back and saw the results he flushed the soil very thoroughly, and has flushed it twice more in intervals of 3 days (addind some auxin)

I have come back to a plant that is thoroughly budding but had lost most of it's leaves. 50% of the leaves remaining had completely dry tips or were fucked in one way or another.

It is now 1.5 weeks after that, the plant has been recieving rooting gel with it's water as I suppose many roots have died. I am now half way through removing all damaged leaves and cutting all of the yellow tips. Is this a good idea?

Anyways the plant isn't deteriorating, there is bud growth although the budding tips of two stems are damaged with some brown, dead, pistils. I have removed this ugly thing in one of the branches.

Any ideas or suggestions? please feel free to give your opinion, be it any.
Thanks in advance. If I see some interest I will make pics.
One of the pics is around 2 weeks ago, the rest, right now


Well-Known Member
Pictures are essential: post some you will get more replies.

when i went away i left my bro incharge of feeding my plants. i grow in coco and had the advantage of being able to pre mix my canna coco a+b nutrients, they benefit from being left standing after being mixed for a while anyway. he did exactly as i said in the written instructions i left him, when i got back my babies had doubled in size and were more healthy than when i left them.

long answer shortened: leave soembody incharge that you can trust or make it fool proof for them. also you could try canna rhizotonic, many growers swear by it, prevents nute lock-out


Well-Known Member
trim it up. alot of growers trim the plants to where there is only a small amount of leafs left. though the light is absorbed through the leaves, your not in vegging, which is good. you will prob not harvest as much as you would have, but you can save it. has the plant(s) stopped growing in height? if so, keep flusching until your ppm drops, then load up on p-k
i have trimmed the yellow bits now as much as I can. I dont control the ppm and am a bit scared of using fert now, maybe in a week when more water has passed through. I don't know if it has stopped growing in height as I got back day before yesterday. The lower buds look better than the higher buds.
Hughes, are you suggesting I trim even more? as in pluck out the leaves (the ones not emerging from buds)? There are some big leaves in the lower area, some are slightly yellow and most are curled, should I relieve the plant from these leaves too?
I have watered it now with like 1.5l (10l of soil), but the soil seems really compact and maybe saturated. Since it's already full of water should I take the oportunity to flush again?


very LQ pics, sorry. Can't really appreciate that much damaged. Just imagine all the tips of the leaves yellow.
These are more LQ pics of about 1.5 weeks ago:


Well-Known Member
doesn''t look too bad, let it be for a few days,when it dries flush again. get back on the nutes gradually, she'll be fine. can't give an idea on yield, if she blooms to her full potential i would think two oz is easily possible


Well-Known Member
its recovered quite well in the week taken between these photos, you only need to trim dead leaves that are in your buds as these can cause bud rot. i'd leave the fan leaves to fall off by themselves


Well-Known Member
considering how much the plant has recovered in 1 week you might just do that. if those buds double in size and then ripen............who knows what you might get.