

Yup lol. The show was fun but not that intense. I like shows where you get real blood on you lol
fuck that it seems i often get my hands or arms torn open on somebodies studs 'n spikes n whatnot and i could do without the fleshwounds...

i feel beat up enough anyways from all the dancing i do=]

mr j2

Well-Known Member
The beginning of the road behind the music song reminds me of patience by guns n' roses. And to Ian-- I usually don't go to shows where people are wearing spikes and shit. I'm talking about getting bloody by doing stuff like this:

YouTube - Wall Of Death


Well-Known Member
Don't like the newer Rammstein at all. Their last greatest album was Sehnsucht, I had been with them since Herzeleid and just disliked them after Sehnsucht... Mutter did have a few I liked.