Fabric pots dry too quickly.


Well-Known Member
I hesitated using fabric pots due to everyone bitching that they dry out too fast. I am starting some 5 gallon fabric pots for an experiment. I will run 5 plants planted directly into pots, I will run 5 others side by side. The second 5, I simply put a plastic "wal-mart" bag inside the fabric, cut out the plastic that is on the pots bottom and fill as usual. This inner plastic sleeve should stop sidewall evaporation. Progress report in 1 and 3 months will be given. :peace:...
I hesitated using fabric pots due to everyone bitching that they dry out too fast. I am starting some 5 gallon fabric pots for an experiment. I will run 5 plants planted directly into pots, I will run 5 others side by side. The second 5, I simply put a plastic "wal-mart" bag inside the fabric, cut out the plastic that is on the pots bottom and fill as usual. This inner plastic sleeve should stop sidewall evaporation. Progress report in 1 and 3 months will be given. :peace:...
Yes they dry out faster, but it's really noticeable in a dry climate. They'd be great in a humid place, but it's touch here in CO.
Yes they dry out faster, but it's really noticeable in a dry climate. They'd be great in a humid place, but it's touch here in CO.
Thanx, that make sense, but, since I'm already set up, I think I'll run this lil' project for my own curiosity.
We lived in the front range for 5 years, I miss the weather and the mountains. Now we sweat like hogs in the Ozarks. Never seen this kind of humidity away from a major body of water. Enjoy that big blue sky!
I’m kinda liking those fabric pots build a soil is repping the ones that have plastic liner except a few inches on bottom claim is it aids in moisture retention and not letting roots air prune out the side walls but directs them down
I hesitated using fabric pots due to everyone bitching that they dry out too fast. I am starting some 5 gallon fabric pots for an experiment. I will run 5 plants planted directly into pots, I will run 5 others side by side. The second 5, I simply put a plastic "wal-mart" bag inside the fabric, cut out the plastic that is on the pots bottom and fill as usual. This inner plastic sleeve should stop sidewall evaporation. Progress report in 1 and 3 months will be given. :peace:...
If your growing soilless, you really don't want your media to dry out. Are you doing this experiment with soil or something else?