facing problem - advice needed

Hey guys, I need to move a couple plants from their current location for a few days. My problem is its going to mess with the dark cycles for a couple days.. mmuch more darkness then what is called for. They are about two weeks into flowering. What should I expect if I were to do this? They will essentially be in darkness for a couple days..Not a lot of options


Active Member
get some ligth any light on them for the right amount of time and you should be ok , any light and as much of it as possible!


I think if its 3 or 4 days it would be fine. The reason I say this is because I remember growing outdoors last summer and it was cloudy and rainy (absolutely no sun) for about 3 days, and when I went to check up on them they were fine. My friend also grew indoors and had to shut his power off for 2 days (in mid flowering) and the plants were still fine. So i'm sure they could probably go without light for a bit. If there is any way to get electricity there and just turn on a weak cfl light, I would strongly recommend it.
Outdoors as long as sun is up they are getting some sort of light.
It's to cold outside.

I'm doing this for concealment (obviously) so they will be in more or less a portable zip up storage closet indoors at about 75 degrees. I'm not worried about the plant dying. I know that's not going to happen. I'm just curious if this may cause the plant to go into some sort of "shock" and prolong the flowering stage due to the abnormal amount of darkness?