False Leafs???


Well-Known Member
I see alot of pics of alot bigger plants and they still have there false leafs, this pic is only about 2 weeks old and they r already dieing, ans YES they really r that yellow, its not the flash, the plant looks VERY healthy otherwise, look on the top left corner of the leaf, r those crystals??? the plant is COVERED with them, just cant get a good pic of it



Active Member
uhh. idk maaan. my plants are about 2 weeks old now and they all still have green starting leaves. i prolly wouldn't worry about it unless the leaves u really want start dying

LeRoy JaBluntski

Well-Known Member
What kind of light/s are you using? And how often do you water and what do you put in the water?

I would suggest to get an oscillating fan in there this way you can build up them stem and remove the stick holding it up.


Well-Known Member
I use 6 42W clf = 150W each Liquid Karma every 3 waterings, and i do water once a day, i put my finger in the soil all the way and its always dry, the leaves look great tho, VERY dark green and looks to be like crystals already on them, they sparkle under the light


Well-Known Member
Well if the soil is dry with my 4 inch finger in the dirt, im gonna water,I hear it doesent matter how often, if its dry, WATER.. Last time i didn't when i got home from work, they were sleeping on the dirt


Well-Known Member
MG moisture control,, and used Liquid Karma yesterday, came home from work today and seen alot of growth


Active Member
hey man, I'm no expert and I'm on my first grow, but I'm using MG moisture control and didn't put a drop of nutes in until week 5 of veg when they looked like that needed a little kick. I would just cut the nutes out, let the miracle grow do its thing. I know a lot of people hate it, but it's been working pretty well for me so far.

and I'm doing CFL as well, I went 24/0 for a few weeks to start them out, maybe your lights are too far away? I know mine love them close.