Family Life for the American Grower

via Vio

I will fill this in later. Feel free to discuss whatever. Mainly just making the thread as a reminder to myself. If mods give me time, I will fill this with useful info.

I have a bad habit of intending to do stuff and never getting around to it. Figured if I made it now I would be more inclined to actually write it out.


New Member
Here's my question: You family guys/gals that have kids in school, do you ever worry that your kids may slip up and the school will call the cops on you? Remember Hitler youth? they were brainwashed into ratting out their parents. Do you that grow, try and keep it hidden or do you allow your kids in on the program. I was raising my grandaughters and when they became school age I had to make a decision, take a risk or stop growing. I chose not to grow, as I don't smoke anyway. Now that their mother has taken over their raising, I could continue to grow if I wished. I love the smell and the plants, but my little wifey doesn't so much, So to keep the peace I'll refrain. How do you guys/.gals handle the situation?