Fan blowing above or on seedlings?

cannabis culture

Well-Known Member
I have an oscilating fan in my grow room blowing on and around on my little 1 day old sprouts,. Does it matter if the air Is blowing right above the pots as opposed to blowing directly on the soil/seedlings? Right now the air flow is right able my solo cups, and it's frustrating lowering/lifting the fan, checking air movement and repeat. Sry for the stupid question, and I figure that it dosent matter either way, but am
I correct?

Indoor Sun King

Well-Known Member
don't direct the air on them.....above or around the plants is best

BTW...i don't use a fan on them for the first few days to keep the temps a bit higher
As sprout doesn't need too much wind as their stem is very weak, if it were me I would not worry about the fan unless its usually too hot in your grow without the fan. Also, even if you need the fan, blowing air right on top of the sprouts will just make the hot air to go down again in my opinion, I might be wrong. I hope it helps! Cheers!

Indoor Sun King

Well-Known Member
I don't, as I start my seedlings in a very small cabinet with only a 23 watt CFL.....I start using fans once I move them into the veg room


Active Member
I have a PC fan blowing on my plant since day 1 pretty much . she's 16 days old and doing fine . getting nice and thick already


Well-Known Member
you don't neccasarily need a fan at all ever its just a nice bonus to help strengthen up them stems and the added air flow helps a lot to prevent mold when the plants are bigger. In my setup the exhaust fan combined with the fans on my led units create enough gentle turbulence that ive never had a problem with weak stems, however I also shake my plants daily to strengthn them up and use super cropping to create very strong stems.


Well-Known Member
when the plants are large then sure a strong breeze that makes them move can be benifical, however a small seedling needs only a gentle breeze in my opinion
when the plants are large then sure a strong breeze that makes them move can be benifical, however a small seedling needs only a gentle breeze in my opinion
I agree, less than more is usually the best with seedlings. I saw a case or two were the fan was too strong for the seedlings and they just couldn't handle it and bent over and died.