Fan Circulation


Active Member
Should the fan be off during "night" or leave it on? Im almost 2 wks into flower and have left it on 24 with no harm but just curious of other setups


Active Member
Should the fan be off during "night" or leave it on? Im almost 2 wks into flower and have left it on 24 with no harm but just curious of other setups
In my setup I have everything on a timer so it all goes off and on with the lights really.

Iv just turned mine off all the time at the moment as a few new leaves are twisting when they sprout to check its not a Mg deficiency.

But really it would be the persons choice I guess. I just think it needs to have a wee rest


Well-Known Member
Should the fan be off during "night" or leave it on? Im almost 2 wks into flower and have left it on 24 with no harm but just curious of other setups
You would want fresh air all day long? Remember the purpose of your exhaust and intake is to bring in 'fresh air'. Leave it like you have it. VV