Fan direction..


Well-Known Member
Ive made a very ghetto carbon filter, it seems to work but at certain times the smell is stronger, and other times it is non-existed. Which i dont understand. But anyway is it better to have the fan blowing into the filter or blowing out of the filter. Forcing air through the filter or pulling air throught it if that makes sense.


Well-Known Member
Ok that is how it is now. Does smell rise like heat? So keeping it higher will be more effective? lol


Well-Known Member
Makes a big difference how air flows... Put it in this order... Growbox fan and then filter.. Make the fan suck out air from the grow area and exhaust into and out of the filter the air exiting will go through the filter and be scrubbed. Putting a fan before the filter won't work


Active Member
fan then filter, go buy yourself an air sock, worth the money for shhure!! it will smell like heat because the room is hot, better that reeking like a dead skunk.