fan in my grow tent, how should it be mounted?

del taco lover

Well-Known Member
ive got an air-king 6" fan in my grow tent. its clamped onto one of the poles. my question is how should this thing be mounted/pointing in the tent? should it be blowing directly at the plants? if so how far away? my plants are about 3 weeks old and right now the fan blows directly at them wiht enough force to shake the leaves on all the plants. i just wanted to know if this was correct or not. its not blowing at them hard(its on the low setting). or should it be mounted up higher in the tent(i.e above the light)?


Well-Known Member
Directly on the plants is good, stems adapt and grow stronger but not for long periods of time. Which is why oscilating fans work perfect for this. Do this occasionally but It's better to ventilate the air out of the grow room than into it. Mix it up 50/50. Especially if it is an enclosed tent, Ventilating out the old air and replacing with new fresh air is the key.


Well-Known Member
I do 2 hours a day of the fan directly on the stems. Then I mount it blowing half on the leaves and then circulating around the grow tent.