fan leaves determining sex?


Well-Known Member
this might sound like a newb question but does the # of prongs on a fan leave determine sex? i figured if it did i would of heard about it on here, but every 1 i kno trys to say female 5 prongs and male 7. my plant just grew 2 sets of 7 pronged leaves whyll the rest are 5. sorry 4 the newb q but any help is appriated thanks:peace:


Well-Known Member
NO, My females have 3, 5, and 7 fingers...

Wouldn't it be nice if it were true though.....


Well-Known Member
yea thats wat i figured when some 1 would tell me that i would just dismiss it just had to make sure thank u guys


Active Member
I agree ,The number of leaves mean nothing !! But as Videoman says, many leaves mean a healthy plant :hump:



Active Member
leaves start from 2, then 3, then 5,7,9, and sometimes 11, then back down until eventually they reach one, how could you even think of that as a logical idea, whoever told you that needs to jump off a cliff