Fan leaves dying


Active Member
I have a few clones budding in 1.5 gallon soil pots under a 400w Mh. They are at 43 days into bud and are losing some lower fan leaves and drying and yellowing as well. I flushed twice yesterday and they still show no improvement. I am feeding them Alaska bloom 0-10-10 with some molasses and Alaska grow 5-1-1. I try to feed water water weekly. The room is well ventilated and there are no light leeks in the 5x6 room. The soil is straight black potting soil (no ferts) and i added 1 part perlite to 3 parts soil. The temps in the room stay in the mid 70's during light and 60's during dark. I may have overferted last feeding, i upped the ammount some. I have looked at several threads with info and pics on sick plants but am still having a hard time pinning it down for sure what I am deficiant or in excess of. In the last two pics you can really see the difference between the healthy leaves and the dying leaves.Any advice would be very much appreciated! Thank You!



Well-Known Member
fan leaves dying is pretty natural when you get late into the flowering period, it happens to everyone, even the pros


Active Member
Can anyone help me before I screw this up further? I'm 43 days into bud and would like to finish out my first crop. Thank you!


Well-Known Member
Dropping yellowed leaves from the bottom up is pretty much standard at 42 days or so, in soil.
Yours' don't look very yellow . . . just a few 'dead' spots.
Just a guess, but I'd say your leaves show signs of overwatering?
Not sure it's on all Alaskan FF, but mine (5-1-1) says it won't burn plants.


Active Member
Thanks guys but I think it may be nute burn. Anyone else, I'm thinking this is more than just yellowing from budding. The leaves have spots on them and are getting brittle and crunchy. I'm thinking I over ferted but am trying to make sure i know what i am in excess of.