Fan leaves to big


Active Member
im growing with the cfls and the plants doing awesome but the huge fan leaves seem to be blocking light on the lower branches should i cut them off? sorry no pic


Active Member
im growing with the cfls and the plants doing awesome but the huge fan leaves seem to be blocking light on the lower branches should i cut them off? sorry no pic
no! the fan leaves are where the plant receives it's light (food). you would slow growth down a lot by cutting these off prematurely.

the only time i'd say it's probably okay is within the last 2 weeks of flowering before a harvest.

that's the only tough part with cfls is that they don't have a lot of penetration so the bottom buds don't always get enough light.

you could try to add some smaller cfls down below to try and get some more light to the lower buds but don't go overboard.


Active Member
I started trimming mine about 4 weeks into flower and have had no probs with it. The plant will go into minor shock if you trim too much but that seemed to last about 30 min. btw Im new to this so if Im screwing this up let me know.


Active Member
i know that i sholdnt and its not that theres not enough light its just sooo bushy im worried that the giant leaves will stop the lower ones from growing


Active Member
The plant will go into minor shock if you trim alot but that seemed to last about 30 min.

That quick huh? you sure about that? :confused:


Active Member
I started trimming mine about 4 weeks into flower and have had no probs with it. The plant will go into minor shock if you trim alot but that seemed to last about 30 min.
the only fan leaves i would cut off are ones that are completely yellowing and would otherwise basically fall off themselves.

fan leaves are simply too vital , you could do it, but your just slowing things down.


Active Member
yeah maybe 45 min tops....sry forgot to mention Im doing a form of hydro....dunno if that makes a big diff in the triming


Active Member
so what do i do about the lower branch? im following the same as the buds for less book everything the same and this plant is looking great thats my only concern. ill get pics tomarrow


Active Member
maybe im not understanding. i know not to cut the fan leaves but i belive their in the way on new growth im not so much worried about the lighting.?


Well-Known Member
Why not install more cfls down lower? I am using cfl and t5s. I bought the cheap 4' extension cord, one of those light sockets you plug into outlets, and I have it hanging halfway down. The leafs and stems have doubled down there. :peace:


Well-Known Member
Say I had a set up like this...

(plant) (plant) (plant) (plant)
(bulb) (bulb) (bulb) (bulb)
(plant) (plant) (plant) (plant)

But the bulb is hanging over top.

Would it be a good idea to put it so the top of the bulb (as in the base, but top since it is upside down) equal to the tops of the plants leaving the spiral bulb part to be going down the plant? Or not matter at all.

Does that make sense?


Well-Known Member
Say I had a set up like this...

(plant) (plant) (plant) (plant)
(bulb) (bulb) (bulb) (bulb)
(plant) (plant) (plant) (plant)

But the bulb is hanging over top.

Would it be a good idea to put it so the top of the bulb (as in the base, but top since it is upside down) equal to the tops of the plants leaving the spiral bulb part to be going down the plant? Or not matter at all.

Does that make sense?
what kind of lighting do you have...if you have hid thats cool.....if you have need way 2 or 3 23 watts per plant......


Well-Known Member
i agree with blessamerica. if i have the room i hang some cfls lower on the sides of the plant. even if i can just get them on one side. then i can rotate the plant a couple of times a day. cfls dont penetrate the canopy like HIDs so i figure it's a good idea to get that light on the sides. of course i also have as much light above the tops as possible too. you have several plants so that's going to make it a bit more challenging. i don't cut my fan leaves.


Well-Known Member
I have 4 42w CFL 2700k. I plan on doubling the set up. But the plants are also still vegging and unknown bagseed so I'll probably have like 2 or 3 females (hopefully).

Would still like an answer on the question though.