fans on while lights off?


Well-Known Member
Should I have my fans on or off while the lights are out? If on, should I keep them on high or low? Thanks for the help.


Active Member
just enough that the leaves move, a hard wind over them will lead to wind burn. I actually cycle my fans at night one night on one night off, seems to help prevent wind burn and drying out. In general though you do want fresh air constantly over the plant co2 is the fire the plants engine burns on...


Active Member
very similar to a nute burn browning on the edges with yellowing towards the inner leaf. It's basically a side effect of the air drawing off all the moisture of the leaf. Under a microscope the leaves have tiny little "hairs" on them that actually are supposed to act as a air/moisture barrier of sorts. Wind burn may be avoided by perfect humidity levels... that much I do not know not enough experience to speak to that.


Active Member
I've been told so many different things on that, I'll let someone with more experience cover it... I generally just try to keep it 50 +/- 10%, I grow pure sativa strains though I know a lot of you guys are growing indica and I have absolutely no personal experience with it, only have a friend that grows it regularly. I actually have more experience via that than personal experience.


Well-Known Member
i leave mine on all the time just so there is air constantly circulating around my plants ive never heard of wind burna nd my plants have never had the symptoms plus constant flow of air means your stem and overhaul plant will be physically stronger :)

peace and respect