fat waxy new leaves


Well-Known Member
Hi there my plants r getting new growth the leaves look extreamly health but new leaves that have grow since putting under the 400 hps r very fat and waxy looks like spinach this second grow ive done first clones ive done also there about a week under the hps iam a novice last crop was very good is this normal for clones or is somthing wrong


Well-Known Member
Might even see a little nute burn on the edges....., if this happens don't worry, just stop feeding for now, as crispy already said.


Well-Known Member
Thanks guy my setup is strange lol I got big res pots full perlite with inch of soil on top I pump water up from res feed once ever hour and half for 15 minz tho last plants 3 plants got 12 very nice oz dry no idea what strain lol smelt very like mango


New Member
Interesting that you chose to do a hydro/soil combo?? I would just stick with one medium type and not complicate things...be careful of over watering, a few times a day in pure hydro applications is usually good.

Also on your clones...how old are then and when did you take the cuts? To me they look like you took them from a flowering plant and they are reverting back to veg, thats why they look "busy"


Well-Known Member
Just used soil on top to stop algie build up on perlite it white strong light nice nuts lol gos geen instantly lol and thought no light penertration also took clones about 5 days into 12/12 soon as I saw pistiles worry they gonna monster crop on me once full in veg can I wait till full veg take clones andvthey will grow normal


New Member
Thats what I thought...I like to take my cut before turning the lights, depending on the size, they will show sex even in veg. But if you have to, take the cut first and then sex the plant to avoid the lag time for a clone to revert back to veg from a flower period. Just wait for a few good normal veg branching/growth to come up and then trim out the bushiness and you will be fine.