Favorite Philosopher?


Well-Known Member
John locke
edmund gettier
descartes (just for the banter)
and adam smith if you can count him as a philosopher

nice thread, i'll be interested to see what folk are saying!


Well-Known Member
friedrich nietzsche - hands down, save for his personal belief on self given purpose. (I agree with the concept, just not his idea of the ' Übermensch '

In a world lacking inherent meaning or purpose, we as a progressive entity (the human race) must place upon us a purpose for ourselves above the religious falsifications and frivolities we have and still do face today.

This, I agree with. Hell, even some of the principles behind the Übermensch I fundamentally agree with, to clarify my answer, it's that some of his views involving this ARE a bit out of date. Only for a few reasons. ; P


Well-Known Member
what are the rules of what is considered philosohy? Does it have to be a known philosopher for philosophy, or could it be the Philosophy of that person?


Well-Known Member
I believe it was intended to mean philosopher as in noted and famous philosophical icons. Ones you'd bother being read up on if you say, studied philosophy in university or on your spare time. Be it off a whim or out of a desire to do so.


Well-Known Member
Life is NOT like a box of chocolates. Theres a fucking chocolate selector map in every box!
And what if you got a box of all the same kind of chocolate? You'd know what you got every time!
I wish I could internet pinch people. Just a simple button, it's all I ask for. Not too much to desire, is it?


Well-Known Member
life is not like a box of chocolates!!!

damn, somebody beat me to it, so i guess i'll have to add my two cents.

i am my favorite philosopher.


Well-Known Member
Oh, so, something you can look up at an University.. Noted and FAmous , I gotcha


Niccolo Machiaveli

Ayn Rand

These are all I can think of that are well known, off hand, me resources got cut off at the knees, I'll chime in when I can realize a other few being Well noted Philosophers as well..


Well-Known Member
I'm going to include

Sun Tzu



Hey Zeus

since Forrest Gump was thrown out there..., He was one of my picks, Too...:bigjoint:


New Member
The dislocation of reality
suffered by modern urban humans,
because they are in daily contact only
with non-living, inanimate, man-made objects
befalls, unfortunately, in its most acute form,
humans in positions of power
who should be bearing the responsibilities
for mankind’s weal and woe.
Yet what is real for them,
what they affect and what
reciprocally affects them
and what they think about continually
is influence and money . . .
No wonder, then, that ecologists
are regarded as “nostalgic dreamers”
when they warm that cash in paper or metal,
even in gold itself,
or numbers in a bankbook or on a balance sheet
are mere symbols
and that the real necessities of life,
such as pure air and un-poisoned water
and uncontaminated soil
and an intact protective ozone layer
above the earth’s surface,
will very soon no longer be buyable

for all the money in the world.

- Loren Eisley

tea tree

Well-Known Member
It aint the baby jesus. I think it was ben franklin who said that " every good soul should have at least one strong solid period of hard alcholism". Paraphrase. Lol. Happy new Year.


Laozi - (yin/yang)
Jean-Paul Sartre

tea tree

Well-Known Member
nietzche and sartre and I can take keirkegaard. This was all years ago tho. Mostly for the last decade I can only say that my advice has any "perfection" to it at all. Lol. If they were to say that the mary magdellan was his wife finally then I would occasionally go to church to pick up chicks. But that deathbed confession stuff has destroyed the chances of real enlightment for societies, peoples, and so on. It needs more of a warrior code, like the japanese had with suicied over dishonor and such, seppaku. Mix that with Nietszche and Hemingway the all time best philospher next to me and that is a revoltion worth listenting too. I have been to the hospital in the past maybe five time expecting to die, and every time I had "a farewell to arms" to read one way or another to read. For the individual, the thinker in tota, good literature could and prob will have too, serve as the best philoshies published. Has something to do with connections and thought derived or conclusions came to on your own. "fight the good fight" is not heard anymore. Sic transit gloria mundi. Beautiful women are a good philosophy. There is all the truth anyone needs. Maybe it is because the baby jesus stold the word "easter" from the name of the saxon goddess of spring. That chick that after I prayed to all my plants turned female! Lol. Happy new year.