favorite thing to eat


Active Member
what is everybodies favorite thing to eat when you are blazed? my personal favorite is anything that is chocolate, don't know why just somethin about it.


Well-Known Member
EVERYTHING!!! I'm kind of a big boy so when I get the munchies I try to go for something in the fruits and vegetables are but every once in a while I just have to tear into a costco chocolate muffin! Another sinful treat that I occasionally munch on is Caramel Bugels, little bites of crunchy heaven they are!


Active Member
peanut butter sandwiches are great.. also the classic Italian sub with curly fries at arby's is one of the best sandwiches ever


Well-Known Member
FUcking BACon fest! piles of bacon with eggs and toast and mushrooms and HOLY crap im gonna make myself sum right now


Well-Known Member
I love anything when I'm blazed and love to try new things. I love going to Denny's or someplace that serves breakfast all day and getting some french toast and bacon.

My favorite mus be Oreo's and Milk. Me and my friends make a special trip to the store everytime to by a gallon of milk and to packs of Oreo's. Eat um all up! yummy


Well-Known Member
I am obsessed with pizza. i like pizza hut but it makes me have to poop right when i am eating it. our mall just got a taco del mar. wasnt too bad but smelled like dog meat cooking.


Just some idiot
I just got chocolate sauce and bananas....it's awesomely good right now, and I usually don't like sweets