Feed Line Leaks


Well-Known Member
So I picked up 1/2 feed Line, a hole punching tool, and 1/4" threaded bards for the drip line.

Working great except for leaks at the connection.

Is there a safe sealant someone can reccommend?



Well-Known Member
the deal is to heat the hose in a cup of water

then slide it onto the fitting

tight like!

then allow to cool or re dip in cold water

if you got leaks wrap tape around the hose end


slide on allow to cool

good luck

ps this is a cheap effective method, or look to propriety fittings


Well-Known Member
I did that but the threaded barbs are leaking at the feed line.

I drained and put food grade sealant on threads.

I'll wait 24hrs for it to cure and think I'll be good.