Feeding question...someone experienced?


Active Member
Hi guys,

I am into my third week of flowering, Royal Haze strain and I have been feeding her @ night right before her lights go out. Is that the best time or should I feed as soon as her lights come on in the mornings? Which is best if anyway at all?

kether noir

Well-Known Member
ive read that the very best time to water and feed is about 10min before lights on or right when you turn them on.


Well-Known Member
Plants don't use water without light so they benefit from watering after lights out. People will water plants outside at night so the sun doesn't evaporate the water.
Actually they don't use water, the water wets the soil, as it evaporates it creates humidity, that moisture carries the nutrients its absorbed from the soil. By watering an indoor grow in soil at night or day doesnt matter, I keep the moisture consistent in 10 gallon smartpots by watering with a timer at 8:00 AM and 8:00 pm a small amount. My other girls get watered every other day by hand. The amount depends on there size. Another thing I can tell you is plants dont care for moist soil around the base of the plants, They do better when the first like 20% of the root system gets to dry out.


Active Member
So it REALLY doesn't matter when I decided to feed her? I want to to continue feeding her at night immediately before lights out. So therefore, she stores up the energy for when the lights are on, if that makes sense? I'm giving big bloom+blackstrap molasses. So that's why I was choosing to let her sleep with the built up energy and then BAM grow,grow,grow when the lights hit her. But just my suggestion.