Feeding with PRO-MIX?


Well-Known Member
Just wanted to get some thoughts on pro-mix bx and feeding schedules.. I have been using it for a while without the best of luck, don't know if I'm underfeeding or what. Would you say its more like a hydro setup that has to be fed lightly every watering or should it be feed heavy say once a week? Was trying the once a week feeding but show defs very soon into flowering, I've been reading and starting to think I should be feeding lightly either everyday or every other day. Any thoughts would be greatly appreciated or I'm gonna have to switch it up to something not as needy.... thanks and rep in advanced

Flo Grow

Well-Known Member
Well pics and specific feeding details go a long ways.
We will all have different misperceptions about your actual condition due to the lack of details AND pics.
I could say since you say you have deficiency, you should feed, feed, water, feed, feed, water but that may or may not be true too.
Gotta have more details but a pic as a bonus will do wonders for your help question.


Well-Known Member
Ok Dr. Atomics BBxNL Clones vegged for around 2 weeks fed with Fox Farms grow big 1 ts per gallon every watering ( no problems during veg)
Once I flip from veg to bloom is when I'm running into problem, Within 10-14 days I'm showing signs of defs
Water with Advanced nutes sensi a and b at a rate of 2 ts per gallon with ph'd water around 6.3, around once a week, ladies under 1000 watt hps's with a co2 level of about 330 ppm using a co2 burner. Temps between 83-86 degrees. I don't know if I should be feeding lightly, feeding lightly, then plain water. Should I treat promix more like hydro then a soil base?


Well-Known Member
I like to grow Soiless with Promix amended with Perelite. I have found that it works great to feed with every watering, but to flush with straight water just before every 3rd feeding. Other growers (Riddleme) extol the virtues of flushing before every feed, but I haven't gone there yet.

One other approach is to feed with significant run-off with each watering, but I find that using straight water pulls out more residual salts.

Soiless is much more like hydro than soil, particularly if you use salt-based nutes.