feeling faded - a journal


Well-Known Member
running -

three 600 watt digital ballasts

three air-cooled hoods

6 inch high output can fan

active intake, passive exhaust; swamp cooler running dry

1 oscillating fan

twenty-seven 7 quart pots filled with fox farms ocean forest and an extra dash of perlite

27 rooted grapefruit diesel cuttings

age old nutes

1 sulphur burner


i am waiting for my last few cuttings to root. that and i had to stop and eat a nice plateful of turkey and trimmings. i should have the last 9 in by tomorrow.

144.jpg 142.jpg 143.jpg


Well-Known Member
Lookin nice may I ask why u went with active in passive out? Does it seem more efficient to you? Jw.
the swamp cooler was already there. a motor for the cooler is only 35 dollars and it moves A LOT of air. i have it on low with only 2 of the 12 vents open. i can adjust my temps by how many vents i open. though with these hoods heat should be of no issue. they are fully sealed with cool swivel hinges. :bigjoint:



New Member
the swamp cooler was already there. a motor for the cooler is only 35 dollars and it moves A LOT of air. i have it on low with only 2 of the 12 vents open. i can adjust my temps by how many vents i open. though with these hoods heat should be of no issue. they are fully sealed with cool swivel hinges. :bigjoint:

View attachment 632137
That works out well. I wasn't sure if it was prefference or what. Those hoods are gangster can I ask what one ran ya?


Well-Known Member
That works out well. I wasn't sure if it was prefference or what. Those hoods are gangster can I ask what one ran ya?
$130 each. fully sealed. they have a foam rubber gasket around the seam of the glass. seals up nice and tight. my temp after running for 4 hours is at 67 degrees. almost too cold. :cool:


stays relevant.
good to see you're staying busy bud... :) things are look a-okay ;)

lets see what your age old and secret recipe do for these ;)


New Member
$130 each. fully sealed. they have a foam rubber gasket around the seam of the glass. seals up nice and tight. my temp after running for 4 hours is at 67 degrees. almost too cold. :cool:
Damn. Not a bad price what are the demensions of those bad boys and do u have a link? Lol sorry for all the ?'S I'm in the market for a new one. Lookin good


Well-Known Member
stoked to see what this grapefruit can do inside. will be nice to refernce your grow to give me an idea. NeL's outdoor couldve passed for indoor here in cal clubs.

I just sprouted a couple myself and cant wait to take cuttings and bloom these out bongsmilie
