Female or Autoflower?


Well-Known Member
I would say auto because you don't have to mess with maintaining perfect darkness in flower. You can literally grow it on the kitchen table (no tent). It also makes it easier to see the growth stages so you know what to look for when you grow a photosensitive and switch the lights from 18/6 to 12/12. An auto will begin flowering on its own. You're just along for the ride with minimal tedium.


Well-Known Member
I went with autos first and I think it was a nice stepping stone into this learning curve called marijuana cultivation. The only thing I don't like about autos for a first timer is that they aren't the most forgiving plants in the world. If you fuck up then your yield will suffer and you won't be able to make up for it with a longer veg cuz they don't give a shit what photoperiod you give them - they're gonna do their own thing...


Well-Known Member
I grew auto-fem's this year for my indoor sunshine grow and was very happy to harvest by September...... might not be top shelf dank but it's good

I consider auto's as "plug and play", nothing to worry about....what ever light cycle you want, light leaks don't matter, plant in final pot and don't top them


Well-Known Member
Im on my first grow right now with 4 random bag seeds. all 4 turned girls.

Whats odd is they sexed while still in 24/0 on about day 30. Is this just considered a plant being mature enough or considered an Auto? All 4 did it at the same time vegged under CFLs. Flowering in a HPS now tho.


Well-Known Member
I would say for a first timer buy a pack of regular photoperiod seeds and start from there.
Everyone always wants to skip steps and just start harvesting but if u really want to learn then start with the basics.
Pick a solid easy to grow strain and make a journal.

Its not rocket science
And theres alot of knowledgeable people on here that will help.

Wicked ReToddDid

Active Member
Im on my first grow right now with 4 random bag seeds. all 4 turned girls.

Whats odd is they sexed while still in 24/0 on about day 30. Is this just considered a plant being mature enough or considered an Auto? All 4 did it at the same time vegged under CFLs. Flowering in a HPS now tho.
It's normal and is pre-flowers. She is just showing you she is ready (mature) to flower.


Active Member
definately go go with the feminized seeds. they are so much better to learn on and so much more you can do ( topping, fiming, lst, hst.....) you have much more control over the feminized seeds