Feminized S1s & Hybrids


Well-Known Member
Hello everyone,

I am posting up some top notch feminized seeds I have sitting around that I have made over the years. Would like for them to be grown and enjoyed. All of them have been tested either by me or by friends local or worldwide and have proven themselves worthy in one way or another. Please send me a direct message if you are interested and we can go from there.

* designates limited quantity

Lemon Cherry Gelato (backpack boyz cut) Fems:
• Lemon Cherry Gelato S1
• Cheetah Piss x Lemon Cherry Gelato*
• Obama Runtz x Lemon Cherry Gelato*

Apples & Bananas (compound cut) Fems:
• Apples & Bananas S1
• Exodus Cheese x Apples & Bananas*
• White Truffle x Apples & Bananas*

Runtz Femz:
• Runtz S1 (Source of Ohio Runtz S1 and renamed by others)*

Obama Runtz (the fire society cut) Fems:
• Obama Runtz S1
• Gary Payton x Obama Runtz*
• Santa Cruz Blue Dream (not Dark Heart cut) x Obama Runtz*

Cereal Milk (cookie fam cut) Fems:
• Cereal Milk S1
• Giesel x Cereal Milk*
• Gary Payton x Cereal Milk*