feminized seed


bud bootlegger
yes feminized seeds almost always guarentee that you will get female plants from them..
there are several different methods to get femmed seeds.. one method is the use of collodial silver.. it is a chemical that is put onto a female plant to make it form male flowers as well as female flowers on the same plant.. when the male pollen pollinates the female flowers on the same plant, the result is femmed seeds..
some breeders also use stress to cause a female plant to hermie, and pollinate the female flowers with the same plants male pollen.. again, resulting in female seeds..
all pretty cool stuff.. alot of people don't like femed seeds and say that they are more prone to hermie, but i have been growing femed beans from about ten or so different breeders, and have as of yet to run into any hermie issues..
i only have a small space, and really hate to waste time on males that i'm not going to use, so i really love the feminized seeds..