feminized seeds

Night Claptoman

Well-Known Member
feminized seeds are produced by mating 2 female plant. how the crap? great you've asked.
for normal breeding in nature it takes a male and a female. but in most plants (and some kinds of fishes) there's a built in mechanism that helps saving the race and change gender in a time of stress.
when a female \ male plant produce the opposite sex's flowers it increases the chance of seed making and therefor "saving the race".
a few problems about that though - they sometimes lack some genes (usually, not sometimes) and the outcome are not always that normal.

now, in cannabis it can be quite usefull.
if a female and female are sexed there is no male gene - therefor only female plants will be produced.
how you do that? you stress out a female plant (in various way, like putting a hour of light into the dark cicle, root trimming, exposing to extreme heat or coldness etc) and it will produce some male flowers. thoes flowers will contain are female pollens.
if you introduce them to another female you will create feminized seeds.
if you introduce them to the female flowers on the same plant the lack of variaty in genes will probably create nothing but hermies and mongolians.

but its not that great.
if you get a female plant to produce male flowers (therefor create a hermie) it means the plant is in a way have a tendency to produce male flowers when stressed. its not that easy to know how quick it will produce male flowers next time, and next time you won't need them.

I myself am not a fan of home-made feminized seeds. if you grow year-round you better work with clones and you can easly work with one good mother. meaning you need only one good plant, so I would rather start with normal seeds and select a plant from a variaty that haven't been "weakened".
Some reputable seedbanks use precausions, like using a clone of a known-to-be-pretty-stress-tollerant and stress it out. At home its not THAT easy to achive.

Tell me if something is not explained.
Peace and love - Tzvika Clapton.