Fertalizer advice...


My plant are in the first week of flowering and i have been recommended by my local grow shop to use Fox Farm big bloom and also Bud Candy. He advised me to give both every day? That doesnt seam right to me so any inout would be appreciated. Also, any other nutrients i should be giving them, and what doesage? Thanks!


Well-Known Member
I like the Fox Farm trio, you can download a .PDF feeding schedule to follow. I have used it and it works very well.


Well-Known Member
Sounds like the store clerk told u to feed everyday so you could use up all yur nutes just to buy more,not to mention youre plant would fry.


Active Member
if the soil is any good you are correct.
Just want you to use more stuff.
Do yourself a favor and dont go over 3/4 of what they say, youll do better in the long run.