Few Questions


New Member
Hey all. First outdoor on the go. A few easy sativas an a red purps in ireland. lat 53 if it helps any. Just put my girlies out last weekend and we had about 4 days solid of rain. i was so worried but i got out to them today and they seem fine and are now 3-4 weeks old and i gave them a tiny dose of nutes and root strengthener.
Anyway waffle over, heres a few questions.

1. Spittlebugs. Ive read they arnt too much to be concerned about. I pulled them off with sticks today but should i do more to prevent/remove them?

2. A few seem to be stretching a little. Will they be ok or is there anything i could/should do?

3. The rain splashed up some dirt and and it landed on the leaves. Can the dirt harm growth?

and finally a slug got past my defences and topped one of my plants. haha. i got down an the top of a plant was just lying beside the rest of the plant. Do you think growth will continue like as if i topped it myself? its a bit lower down the stem than should be when topping. and its not a clean cut. its a bit chewed.

heres some pics. how do they look? yeah some lower leaves are dying off already :/

heres the one the slug topped
DSC_0246.JPG DSC_0247.JPG DSC_0248.JPG

good angle to see the stretching. if it is stretching

and just a few more
DSC_0250.JPG DSC_0253.JPG DSC_0254.JPG


Well-Known Member
Spittlebugs would be pretty gross on your plants when they are flowering. I don't think you want to smoke their secretions. The lower leaves are probably dying off because the plants want Nitrogen.


Well-Known Member
1.Use neem oil..It's a huge hassle....but it's good stuff....
2.Before you moved them out, Did you use artificial lighting? How many hours of light did they receive? I'm asking to make sure...but you're probably good..
3. Nope, you can wash them off if you want...
4. TIL Irish people call froghoppers spittlebugs...


Well-Known Member
Looks like he gave up around the time of June 2014, although it would be nice to see if he succeeded or not haha.

Growing cannabis, especially guerilla style is a lot of work that most people just don't understand.
That's unfortunate . I'll b giving it an atemped this year myself , have the seeds soil and groud preped . by reading a few different trends, it' is look like alot more work that I expected .my plan was to germatate 30 seeds but I'll b only doing 10 this year .as I'm afraid I won't t be able to manage to look after that others.I'll let you know how it goes
Thanks for the reply...


Well-Known Member
Well good luck to you!

Start your own thread, I'd be happy to follow along!

It is a lot of work, definitely a good idea in doing a grow you feel comfortable enough to manage.

30 plants for your first grow is going over your head just a tad bit.

I have 35 plants right now at 3 different locations and it's a pain in the ass haha!


Well-Known Member
Cool beans I stared one there a while ago. im only after getting everythin that i need yesterday but not 100℅ with the nute I have .the babies are 1 week old so I need to get me act toogether proto
Here's my tread any advice or info
From somone with expreice or advivce i would be hugely appreciative thank goeireireland

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