few questions


I've noticed a few problems which with the help of the net I can guess at the causes but would really appreciate anyone more experienced than myself (that is anyone on this forum) could confirm/refute my diagnosis.
Medium is soil/coco mix, nutes biobizz, grown outside with hardwater ph adjusted to 6.5.

I think this is cal/mag deficiency, gonna add some epsom salts (1 tsp/litre?)

not really sure what this is :?

planted at the same time as the others, so think it's dead and may as well chuck it

another stunted plant, same ages. it's leaves are paler so does it still have a chance (plain water) or should I give up)

finally just wanna double check this is a girl


Well-Known Member
first pick looks like bugs thrips . some of the picks look like over watering let them dryout , let the pots get really light .


Ok, there has been alot of rainfall recently so that could've had an effect. Been spraying regularly with neem oil and hoped that would've prevented any infestations... maybe I should up the dose. Thanks!