Fiber optics???

Has there been any research done on fiber optic growing? Can you harness the sun's power and natural light with fiber optics and release it to an indoor grow? Perhaps to "assist" indoor lighting?


Well-Known Member
no fiber optic cable doesn't work that way. just have some skylights installed in a bedroom ceiling if that's what you're going for


Well-Known Member
it could work but would be very expensive to get that many fibers! You'd need like a 5 foot diameter fiber optic cable and I'm not sure if those are even made. You'd be competing with ATT, SPRINT, VERIZON, etc for those big sized fiber cables and its probably expensive.

i really like the concept though!

Ian Singerdale

Well-Known Member
Hell yeah they exist and are awesome - cost just pennies to operate and make sense for places like arizona that get tons of sun all year. However, you got $10k to drop on a starter system? While it may be strong enough for ambient light I seriously wonder if it's much brighter than a 100w incandescent...