Fighting for Marijuana policy change

My name is John Berfelo and I am a Category 1 Marijuana Medical Access Program card holder I suffer from severe pain and/or persistent muscle spasms from a spinal cord injury and other conditions related to my 28ft fall at work. The MMAR provides seriously ill Canadians with access to marijuana for medical purposes. This is a video to WorkSafe B.C and WCAT to provide them with current infromation on cannabis for pain control. WorkSafe B.C has denied medical cannabis coverage to all seriously injured workers and states it has no medical value and cannabis dose not help relive systems or relief from chronic pain, non-malignant pain. WorkSafe B.C has not updated there cannabis information and gets there information from an out dated 2002 manual from the Alberta compensation board on cannabis medicine..
With new evidence and the explosion of cannabis medicine in the past 10 years and the resonantly discovery of the Endocannabinoid System
I am also the 2011 Treating Yourself Medical cannabis cup winner and only use cannabis and amino acids for pain control.
Peace JB